Barbara Shand, 18501907 (aged 57 years)

Birth 1850 35
Servant 1871/Office Cleaner 1881/Charwoman 1901

Death of a fatherJames Shand
before 1881 (aged 31 years)

British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901 (aged 51 years)

British King
Edward VII
from January 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910 (2 years after death)

Death September 1907 (aged 57 years)

Servant Hammersmith 1871. Witnesses Elizabeth Monshiemer and Emma Edwards. Living 15 Hungerford St, St George in the East 1881. Living 159 St Georges St, St George in the East, London 1901