William Charles Edward Bainton, 18791950 (aged 71 years)

William Charles Edward /Bainton/
Birth June 13, 1879
Local Government Officer

British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901 (aged 21 years)

MarriageHarriet Maud HumphreysView this family
June 1902 (aged 22 years)
British King
Edward VII
from January 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910 (aged 30 years)

Birth of a sonCharles Edward Bainton
December 1915 (aged 36 years)
Note: 2b 802
British King
George V
from May 6, 1910 to January 20, 1936 (aged 56 years)

British King
Edward VII
from January 20, 1936 to December 11, 1936 (aged 57 years)

Death of a wifeHarriet Maud Humphreys
March 1950 (aged 70 years)
British King
George VI
from December 11, 1936 to February 6, 1952 (on the date of death)

Death November 11, 1950 (aged 71 years)
Will February 6, 1951 (2 months after death)
Family with Harriet Maud Humphreys
Birth: June 13, 1879Alverstoke
Death: November 11, 1950Surrey NE
Marriage MarriageJune 1902Portsmouth
14 years
Birth: December 1915 36 37Portsmouth
Death: July 26, 2007