Anna HARRIS, 17931878 (aged 85 years)

Birth about 1793

MarriageAnthony Blagrove VALPYView this family
December 15, 1818 (aged 25 years)
Birth of a sonRobert Harris VALPY JP
September 16, 1819 (aged 26 years)

Baptism of a sonRobert Harris VALPY JP
November 4, 1819 (aged 26 years)
British King
George III
from October 25, 1760 to January 29, 1820 (aged 27 years)

Birth of a daughterAnna Stephens VALPY
April 8, 1823 (aged 30 years)

Baptism of a daughterAnna Stephens VALPY
April 20, 1823 (aged 30 years)
British King
George IV
from January 29, 1820 to June 26, 1830 (aged 37 years)

British King
William IV
from June 26, 1830 to June 20, 1837 (aged 44 years)

Marriage of a childThomas FULLER-MAITLAND MAAnna Stephens VALPYView this family
May 8, 1842 (aged 49 years)
Marriage of a childRobert Harris VALPY JPJane Octavia FULLER-MAITLANDView this family
June 1842 (aged 49 years)
Note: v16 p113
Death of a husbandAnthony Blagrove VALPY
March 30, 1871 (aged 78 years)
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901 (on the date of death)

Death October 8, 1878 (aged 85 years)
Burial October 12, 1878 (4 days after death)
Will November 2, 1878 (25 days after death)
Family with parents
Birth: about 1793
Death: October 8, 1878Coombe Lodge, Blagdon, Somerset
Family with Anthony Blagrove VALPY
Birth: 1790 35 30Reading
Death: March 30, 1871Coombe Lodge, Blagdon, Somerset
Birth: about 1793
Death: October 8, 1878Coombe Lodge, Blagdon, Somerset
Marriage MarriageDecember 15, 1818St Giles, Reading, Berks
9 months
Birth: September 16, 1819 29 26
Death: December 18, 1904Enborne Lodge, Newbury, Berks
4 years