Kate DUFFIELD, 1854

Birth 1854 53
MarriageJohn WAGHORNView this family
July 18, 1880 (aged 26 years)
Birth of a daughterLilian Maude WAGHORN
March 1881 (aged 27 years)
Death of a fatherJoseph DUFFIELD
December 1881 (aged 27 years)
Birth of a daughterAlma Bessie WAGHORN
March 7, 1885 (aged 31 years)
Birth of a daughterKate WAGHORN
March 1888 (aged 34 years)
Birth of a daughterMadeline WAGHORN
May 1, 1890 (aged 36 years)
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901 (aged 47 years)

Marriage of a childFrank Newcome WALTONLilian Maude WAGHORNView this family
September 1901 (aged 47 years)
British King
Edward VII
from January 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910 (aged 56 years)

Marriage of a childAlfred Williamson GILLENDERMadeline WAGHORNView this family
June 1911 (aged 57 years)
Death of a daughterLilian Maude WAGHORN
September 1927 (aged 73 years)
Death of a sisterBessie Chapman DUFFIELD
September 1929 (aged 75 years)
British King
George V
from May 6, 1910 to January 20, 1936 (aged 82 years)

British King
Edward VII
from January 20, 1936 to December 11, 1936 (aged 82 years)

British King
George VI
from December 11, 1936 to February 6, 1952 (aged 98 years)

British Queen
Elizabeth II
from February 6, 1952 (aged 98 years)

Family with parents
elder sister
Birth: March 1846 45Littlehampton, Sussex
Death: September 1929Thanet
9 years
Family with John WAGHORN
Marriage MarriageJuly 18, 1880Liverpool
9 months
Birth: March 1881 37 27Littlehampton, Sussex
Death: September 1927Croydon
4 years
Birth: March 7, 1885 41 31Portsmouth
Death: September 28, 1973St Margarets Nursing Home, Northfield, Bridgwater
3 years
Birth: March 1888 44 34Croydon
2 years
Shared note

Staying at fathers 1881