Alan Herbert PAILTHORPE, 18901977 (aged 86 years)

Alan Herbert /PAILTHORPE/
Birth December 28, 1890 36 37
MarriageDaisy View this family

Farmer/Restaurant Manager 1939

Birth of a brotherFrederick Gerald PAILTHORPE
January 3, 1892 (aged 1 year)
Birth of a brotherLaurence Stewart PAILTHORPE
September 1893 (aged 2 years)
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901 (aged 10 years)

Death of a brotherSydney Norman PAILTHORPE
June 1902 (aged 11 years)
Death of a fatherEdward Wright PAILTHORPE
June 28, 1904 (aged 13 years)
British King
Edward VII
from January 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910 (aged 19 years)

MarriageNorah Frances WADEView this family
June 1915 (aged 24 years)
Death of a brotherAlexander Frank PAILTHORPE
August 27, 1915 (aged 24 years)

Birth of a sonDenis Alan PAILTHORPE
July 11, 1916 (aged 25 years)

Death of a brotherLaurence Stewart PAILTHORPE
June 3, 1918 (aged 27 years)
Birth of a daughterYvonne Norah Alain PAILTHORPE
August 5, 1918 (aged 27 years)
Death of a motherAnnie Lavinia GREEN
October 10, 1918 (aged 27 years)
Death of a brotherArthur Leonard PAILTHORPE
May 26, 1922 (aged 31 years)
Death of a brotherEdward Wright PAILTHORPE
May 6, 1930 (aged 39 years)
British King
George V
from May 6, 1910 to January 20, 1936 (aged 45 years)

British King
Edward VII
from January 20, 1936 to December 11, 1936 (aged 45 years)

DivorceNorah Frances WADEView this family
before 1939 (aged 48 years)

Marriage of a childDenis Alan PAILTHORPEOlga Kathleen SENTERView this family
June 1942 (aged 51 years)
British King
George VI
from December 11, 1936 to February 6, 1952 (aged 61 years)

British Queen
Elizabeth II
from February 6, 1952 (aged 61 years)

Death of a brotherValdemar Douglas PAILTHORPE
September 6, 1952 (aged 61 years)
Marriage of a childDenis Alan PAILTHORPEClarice BENTLEYView this family
December 1955 (aged 64 years)
Death of a brotherFrederick Gerald PAILTHORPE
August 12, 1958 (aged 67 years)
Death of a wifeNorah Frances WADE
April 9, 1963 (aged 72 years)
Death of a brotherHugh Stanley PAILTHORPE
August 18, 1966 (aged 75 years)
Death of a sisterGrace Winifred PAILTHORPE
July 19, 1971 (aged 80 years)
Burial of a fatherEdward Wright PAILTHORPE

Cemetery: South Ealing Cemetery
Death June 1977 (aged 86 years)
Family with parents
Birth: February 20, 1854 32 31Fore Street, Upper Edmonton
Death: June 28, 190436 Harley House, Regents Park
Marriage MarriageSeptember 1878Islington
2 years
elder brother
Birth: 1880 25 26Notting Hill
Death: May 6, 1930Marks Longdown, Exeter
3 years
elder brother
Birth: September 1882 28 28Willesden
Death: September 6, 1952Salvation Army Home, Balmain, NSW
elder sister
Birth: July 29, 1882 28 28Sutton, Surrey
Death: July 19, 1971Hastings
2 years
elder brother
Birth: September 1884 30 30Sutton, Surrey
Death: August 27, 1915
19 months
elder brother
Birth: March 22, 1886 32 32Sutton, Surrey
Death: August 18, 196618 Highcroft Rd, Erdington, Birmingham
22 months
elder brother
Birth: December 1887 33 34Redhill, Surrey
Death: May 26, 192214 Marine Mansions, Bexhill, Sussex
22 months
elder brother
Birth: September 1889 35 35Redhill, Surrey
Death: June 1902Reigate
16 months
Birth: December 28, 1890 36 37Redhill, Surrey
Death: June 1977Aberconwy
1 year
younger brother
Birth: January 3, 1892 37 38Redhill, Surrey
Death: August 12, 1958West Bromwich & General District Hospital
21 months
younger brother
Birth: September 1893 39 39Redhill, Surrey
Death: June 3, 1918France
Family with Norah Frances WADE
Birth: December 28, 1890 36 37Redhill, Surrey
Death: June 1977Aberconwy
Birth: June 1893Westhampnett, Sussex
Death: April 9, 1963Worthing, Sussex
Marriage MarriageJune 1915Westhampnett
Divorce Divorcebefore 1939
14 months
Birth: July 11, 1916 25 23
Death: May 1995Worthing
2 years
Birth: August 5, 1918 27 25Hambledon
Death: June 3, 1998Sunnyside, 5 Townsend, Weston Zoyland, Bridgwater, Somerset
Family with Daisy
Birth: December 28, 1890 36 37Redhill, Surrey
Death: June 1977Aberconwy
Birth: December 23, 1897
Death: March 19, 199266 Tauntfield Close, Taunton
Marriage Marriage